5 FEBRUARY 1921, Page 1

The German Foreign Minister, Dr. Simons, told the Reichstag on

Tuesday that the Allies' demands were " impossible of fulfilment " and involved the " enslavement " of the German people. He was prepared to send delegates to a conference in London on February 28th if the Allies were willing to negotiate and to consider counter-proposals. He spoke vaguely about disarmament, asserting that Germany loyally recognized her obligations in this matter. It was to be expected that the German Government would reply with an unqualified refusal of the reparation terms. They are hard bargainers and always refuse at the outset. But it is to be noted that the " People's Party," led by Herr Stinnes, was defeated in its attempt to bring about the resignation of Dr. Simons on the ground that he was too conciliatory. The moderate parties in Germany doubt- less see that the terms of reparation must be settled once for all, though they will try by all possible means to get the sum reduced.