5 FEBRUARY 1921, page 1

Germany Is To Be Allowed A Discount For Payment In

advance, and is to issue negotiable bonds to the Allies forthwith for the first two annuities. If she fails to pay, the Allies propose to take over the German Customs revenue,......

News Of The Week.

THE Allied Ministers in conference at Paris agreed on Saturday last upon the terms of the reparation due from Germany under the Treaty of Versailles. They decided that Germany......

The Timm Published A Most Interesting And Pertinent...

Lord Rosebery on Tuesday. Referring to the speeches by American visitors which had been made at the American Luncheon Club on Friday, January 28th, he said :- " Americans are......

The German Foreign Minister, Dr. Simons, Told The...

Tuesday that the Allies' demands were " impossible of fulfilment " and involved the " enslavement " of the German people. He was prepared to send delegates to a conference in......

It Was Stated Last Week That The Supreme Council Of

the Allies had recognized the independence of Georgia. The Georgian Republic is now the only part of the Caucasus which is not controlled by the Bolsheviks. They have overrun......

The General Election In South Africa On Tuesday Next Should

clear the air. General Smuts has made the issue plain between steady development within the Empire and secession, and in his speech at Cape Town on January 27th he professed......


Owing to the Government having taken over our old premises, we have removed to new offices, 13 York Street, Covent Garden, W.C. 2, where all communications should be addressed.......

* 4 ,* The Editor Cannot Accept Responsibility For Any...

or letters submitted to him, but when stamped and addressed envelopes are sent he will do his best to return contributions in case of rejection. Poems should be addressed to the......

To Our Readers.

Should our readers experience any difficulty in obtaining the SPECTATOR during their absence from home at Newsagents or Railway Bookstalls, will they please communicate at once......