5 FEBRUARY 1921, page 2

It Is The Fashion Here To Lament Over Our Trade

prospects. But the Guaranty Trust Company of New York, which maintains a world-wide intelligence service for the benefit of American commerce, takes a very different view. In......

Speaking At Manchester On Friday, January 219th, Lord...

that the fact that he was going to maket-a speech had been the subject of many rumours. A " sensational statement " had been expected of him, but he was not going to say......

The Times On Wednesday Published An Answer From Mr. D.

F. Malone, one of the American speakers. Mr. Malone said that as lie had not criticized " even by implication " there was no obligation on. him to provide a policy for Ireland.......

Mn Mokenna Made A Remarkable Speech On Financial Policy On

Friday, January 28th, at the meeting of the London. Joint City and Midland Bank. Although he chose an extremely com- plicated and, of course, highly controversial......

On Tuesday A Police Car Was Bombed By Sinn Feiners

in Merrion Square, Dublin, fortunately without emcees. On the same day a policeman was murdered at Drimoleague, County Cork. On Wednesday a military patrol was attacked with......

Martial Law Is Being Enforced In The Irish Counties Where

it has been proclaimed. It was announced on Tuesday that a Kerry farmer found in possession of a loaded revolver had been tried, sentenced to death, and executed. In the case of......

But To Return To Lord Derby's Speech. Lord Derby Said

that Mr. Lloyd George had invited him to join the Government,and he had declined merely for private reasons ; he required a holiday, and he had to attend for a time to his own......

The Timm Published A Most Interesting And Pertinent...

Lord Rosebery on Tuesday. Referring to the speeches by American visitors which had been made at the American Luncheon Club on Friday, January 28th, he said :- " Americans are......

The Sinn Fein Outrages Continue. On Friday, January Nth,...

Holmes and a police escort were ambushed near Castleisland, in Kerry, by a large rebel force with two machine- guns. One policeman was shot dead ; Mr. Holmes died of wounds. The......

Mr. Mckeuna's Exposition Of The Whole Subject Must Be Read

in full to be understood. Particularly interesting were his illustration& of the enormous advantage to the business man of preventing violent fluctuations. The intrepid British......