5 FEBRUARY 1921, Page 2

On Tuesday a police car was bombed by Sinn Feiners

in Merrion Square, Dublin, fortunately without emcees. On the same day a policeman was murdered at Drimoleague, County Cork. On Wednesday a military patrol was attacked with bombs in a Dublin street. Near Ballinalee, County Longford, the rebels laid a mine in the highway and exploded it when a police car was passing; four policemen were killed and seven injured. An ex-soldier was assassinated at Maryborough and a Wicklow magistrate was murdered by Sinn Feiners to whom he refused to pay tribute. In the Kerry County.eourt a policeman, applying for compensation, described how he and a comrade had been kidnapped by Sinn Feiners and tortured for a whole day. His comrade went mad and died ; the survivor is incapaci- tated for life. We wonder whether Professor O'Rahilly would devise some casuistical excuse for the Yahoos who perpetrated this shocking crime.