5 FEBRUARY 1921, Page 2

Martial law is being enforced in the Irish counties where

it has been proclaimed. It was announced on Tuesday that a Kerry farmer found in possession of a loaded revolver had been tried, sentenced to death, and executed. In the case of a Cork rebel named Murphy, who was convicted of murdering a soldier, recourse was had to the civil courts and the execution was postponed. General Macready, as an act of mercy, commuted the sentence to penal servitude for life. Father Dominic, the Sinn Fein priest who attended the late Lord Mayor of Cork during his suicidal fast, has been sentenced to three years' imprisonment for sedition. In view of the suggestion made by enemies of the Government that Sinn Fein is anxious for peace, it may be noted that Mr. Sweetman, the Sinn. Fein member for North Wexford, has resigned his seat because most of the other

Sinn Fein members disagree with him. As Mr. Sweetman has been urging conciliation and the abandonment of the murder campaign, it may be inferred that the " gunmen " are still in castro/ of the Sinn Fein party.