5 FEBRUARY 1921, Page 1

The Timm published a most interesting and pertinent letter from

Lord Rosebery on Tuesday. Referring to the speeches by American visitors which had been made at the American Luncheon Club on Friday, January 28th, he said :-

"Americans are very free with their criticism of our Irish _government ; but one is curious to know what their plan would be. An extreme party is endeavouring to set up a hostile state in Ireland. We remember what was done in the United States when the Southerners wished to do the same thing, but we have no other clue to their Irish policy, and that obviously is no precedent. Could either of the distinguished gentlemen who spoke on Friday give any indication as to what the American policy in Ireland would be ? "

Lord Rosebery added that in his opinion the failure to present a solution deprived America of the right to criticise, but he was careful to say that the speeches at the. American Luncheon Club had not contained any criticism.