Memories of William Hole, R.S.A. By his Wife. (Chambers. 6s.
net.)—This unpretentious memoir of a hard-working and popular artist will interest many people. William 'Hole was an Englishman by birth and a member of a well-known West Country family, but he was brought up in Edinburgh by his widowed Scottish mother and spent his life in Scotland. He was a fellow-student of R. L. Stevenson and a pupil and friend of Professor Fleeming Jenkin, who, with his wife, played a great part in the Edinburgh society of the last generation. He was educated to be an engineer, but a temporary depression of trade caused him to spend a long holiday in sketching in Italy, and he then decided to adopt painting as a profession. He , was a versatile artist, well known alike as a painter, an etcher( and an illustrator. He executed many large wall-paintings in the Scottish Portrait Gallery, the Edinburgh City Chambers, and various churches. He is best known by his illustrations of the Bible. Mrs. Hole prints her husband's interesting accounts of his two visits to Palestine in 1901 and 1912, and gives several reproductions of. his Eastern studies.