5 FEBRUARY 1921, Page 3

The delegates of the Oxford University Press are evidently convinced

that Greek will continue to be studied, despite the Philistines and the utilitarians, for they announce a revised edition of the famous Lexicon of Liddell and Scott. That familiar and admirable work by the two Students of Christ Church was first published in 1843. In its successive editions, upon which Dean Liddell was always working throughout his long life, the Lexicon has held the field over since, despite 'the unkind epigram which a Westminster boy wrote when Liddell was his head-master :- " Two men wrote a Lexicon, Liddell and Scott, The one part was good and the other was not : Now all you young Westmineters read me this riddle Which part was by Scott and which was by Liddell ? "

Since Liddell's death, the papyri found in Egypt have revealed so many lost Greek classics, like Herondas and Bacohylides, and added so much to our knowledge of Hellenistic Greek that the Lexicon needs to be enlarged. We are glad to know that, under the editorship of Professor Stuart Jones, the new edition is almost ready for the press. The Oxford University 'Press is prepared to spend £20,000 on this great work for the credit of British scholarship.