Meanwhile it is well to be taught even by an
enemy,. and we are bound to say that the speech of Mr. J. IL Thomas on Tuesday was in the circumstances welcome and useful. Mr. Thomas, in referring to the panic- stricken forebodings in some newspapers, said :- " I wonder whether these people ever give any consideration to the effect abroad of their articles and statements. I can well imagine a foreigner reading sections of our Press during the past three weeks and being forced to the conclusion that this country was plunging headlong into bankruptcy. . . . Might I ask these people whether they really believe that we are entirely ignorant of the value of British credit ? Do they believe that we are blind to the effect on the cost of living of our own people ? By their actions they are destroying that very confidence. . . . I would seriously ask them whether they believe all the rubbish which they have published about the attempt at forming trade unions in the Army and Navy. . . . My reply is that none of these foolish things will be attempted, and if they were we would very soon get in the Division Lobby of the House of Commons the answer we should deserve."
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