5 JANUARY 1924, page 17

During The Last Days Of The Old Year I Received

the following letter from a well-known American journalist— one who has exceptional opportunities of gauging the opinions of his fellow-countrymen and whose name is familiar on......

It Is Officially Announced That Sir Auckland Geddes, The...

Ambassador at Washington, is to retire for reasons of ill-health. Ever since Sir Auckland came .home -last summer suffering from eye trouble there were rumours of his......

Sir Esme Howard, At Present -british Ambassador At...

been appointed to succeed Sir Auckland at Washington. Sir Escae has already spent two years at Washington as Counsellor of Embassy. * *......

Irish Conversation.

M EL IT is a truism that the adoption of a universal language would be a great step towards the ending of differences between tiation and nation ; and the troth of the converse......

The *putator.

5 The subscription rates of the Spectator post free to any part of the world are as follows :- One Year Od. Six Months .. 15s. Od. Three Months .. 7s. ed. ' The Manager, 18 York......

It Is No Disparagement To Sir Auckland Geddes To Admit

that the most successful British Ambassador who ever went to Washington was the late Lord Bryce. To stay-at-home Britons it would have come as a revela- tion to have learnt at......


ENGLISH-SPEAKING WORLD. RY EVELYN WRENCH. F ROM the standpoint of British-American relations the New Year opens most auspiciously, and it is no exaggeration to say that the......