"the Merry Wives Of Windsor" (lyric, Hammersmith).
IN The Merry Wives of Windsor, Shakespeare, who attempted nearly everything, tried his hand at the Jonsonian " well-made " play, had a sort of contemptuous shot at the theory of......
In A Democratic Community Like The United States It Is
not possible to overestimate the value of accessibility. The etiquette observed in British Embassies on the Continent may be suitable to local conditions, but in the United......
I Do Not Know Whether The British Public Will Be
afforded any opportunity of seeing General Dawes during his stay in Europe, but it certainly is to be hoped that he will he able to find time to pay London a visit. " Charlie "......
Professor H. E. Egerton, In An Interesting Letter To The
Times, makes the original• suggestion That at future Imperial Conferences leaders of the Opposition should accompany the Dominion Premiers, and that, in addition, the leader of......
The Theatre.
THE LYCEUM PANTOMIME. Jack and the Beanstalk is a thoroughgoing, crude, traditional pantomime, complete in every detail. There is a beautiful cat, marvellously true to life,......
It Is No Disparagement To Sir Auckland Geddes To Admit
that the most successful British Ambassador who ever went to Washington was the late Lord Bryce. To stay-at-home Britons it would have come as a revela- tion to have learnt at......
America's Two Reparations Experts, General Charles D....
Owen D. Young, sailed for Europe last Saturday. Although they are stated to be acting in a purely private capacity, they had lengthy interviews with Mr. Hughes, the Secretary of......