5 JANUARY 1924, Page 9


THE morbid fermentation which has been going on in the minds of the pessimists in the Press lately in anticipation of expected events in Parliament is not a good beginning for the New Year. It is certain that very difficult times are ahead, but it is also certain that there is a large majority in the nation resolutely opposed to any idea of pulling down our economic structure and replacing it with Socialism. A democratic nation has the making of the future in its own hands ; the majority has only got to decide and it will have its own way. Despair is therefore humiliating as well as grotesque. Labour, of course, must scrupulously be given fair play from every constitutional point of view, but if Labour's idea of fair play is that the majority should be tricked out of their rights, then it will be the duty of every Constitu- tionalist to make a quick end of Labour's unconstitutional and undemocratic doctrine. Labour cannot have what is ,unattainable by other parties. Mr. Baldwin has abandoned Protection because he could not find enough supporters ; it is inadmissible to argue that Mr. Ramsay MacDonald has a right to introduce any kind of Socialism on the strength of having even fewer supporters.