If resolutions and programmes could be taken as a trustworthy'
indication of future events in India, we should have to admit-that the British Government have reaped a rich harvest of trouble from their honest attempt at constitutional progress. During the past week three -separate bodies have been sitting in conference, the Indian National Congress at Calcutta, the All-India Moslem Conference at Delhi, and the All-India Liberal Federation at Allahabad. In each case there are majority, and minority parties, the measure of their differenceS being invariably the degree of hostility to Great Britain: Pandit Motilal Nehru, whose name adorns that sketch of an Indian Constitution which was recently elaborated at an " All Parties "Conference, presided at the Congress and reiterated his plea for Dominion status. He considers this the only practical policy for Indian Nationalists, but he has to face the opposition of most of the younger elements, among them his own son; who with Mr. Srinavasa Iyengar (the De Valera of India) has formed an Independence League. : t; , * • * . .* .