The Unwanted Dog.
As usual, at this season, my directors would be grateful if you would permit me to remind your readers that this society will arrange without charge - for the humane destruction......
The Bible And Natural History.
I see in the isiueof December 22nd that Sir W. Beach Thomas quotes the beautiful passages from the Old Testament :- " As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her......
Loka . Poriao.finsi
• May I offer a correction to the writer of an excellent review upon my new book, Long Forgotten Days (leading to Waterloo), which appeared in the. December 15th issue ? The......
The Bibliotheque Nationale.
The humorous article under the above title in your issue of December 29th must have amused many readers who have struggled with similar difficulties. In pre-War years I had been......
The Younger Point Of View
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sm,—As another member of the " rising generation," may I be allowed to disagree with " Undergraduate's " letter in your issue of December 29th......
Some Safegua,b.dingr-figures - [to The Editor *of -the...
your issue of December 15 I read a letter from Sir Henry Page Croft, comparing the increase in the export of manufactured goods from the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and......
. Freak Voting.
1To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,--Your 'intelligent and sympathetic remarks on &Tr' presidential - election are a source of satisfaction to those Of us here who, like......
In Your Issue Of December 15th Last Sir W. Beach
Thomas wrote regarding what was said of Rooks that, after the recent gales, as after many another gale, they seldom or never chose a tree for their nest if it was likely to......
For Some Two Years Now I Have Been Receiving Your
paper from an address, postmark, " Dewsbury, Yorks." I dck not know from whom, but I would like to thank the sender, and at least let him know that your paper comes along so......
The Last Of The Windjammers: ,in Your Issue Of December
29th, I note that some readers have remonstrated with Mr. Lubbock for using the contemp: tuous word " windjammer," and the writer states that thiS word cannot be traced back......