5 JANUARY 1929, page 5

The _power . Of The Extremists Was Illustrated In The

Gandhi -resolution, as it was finally framed and passed by the COngress. Dominion status is, indeed, stated to be the goal; but the terms - of the request to the British......

All The Conditions Are Favourable For Settling The Total...

indebtedness of Germany to the Allies. The recently appointed British experti---Sir Josiah Stamp and Lord Revelstoke—inspire confidence; - It is well known that Sir Josiah......

News Of The Week

T HE King's long and courageous struggle against weakness—whieh is, of course, the real danger now that the disease itself is being visibly conquered—has continued in His......

Mr. Parker Gilbert Repeats The Criticism Which He Made' In

his memorandum of last year that the German Budget is under the influence of " over-spending and over- borrowing." These faults are due to the great increase in official......

Enrroarer. And Puraisairar Offices : 13 York Street,...

London, IV 4.—A- Subscription.' to the SPECTATOR 1:0108 Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The SPECTATOR it registered as a - Newspaper.......

If Resolutions And Programmes Could Be Taken As A...

indication of future events in India, we should have to admit-that the British Government have reaped a rich harvest of trouble from their honest attempt at constitutional......

(signed Articles Do Not Necessarily. Represent The -...

the SPECTATOR.]......