The _power . of the extremists was illustrated in the
Gandhi -resolution, as it was finally framed and passed by the COngress. Dominion status is, indeed, stated to be the goal; but the terms-of the request to the British Parliadient are those- of an -irresponsible ultimattint As it is. doubtful whether Parliament can begin its examination of the • Simon Commission's Report at all this year, mhat is.-the sense of stipulating for the grant of Dominion status -by December 81st, 1929, on pain- of a declaiation if full independence, with an intermediate Siam non-co-oneiation " Y Perhnelf - the most significant utterance at the Congress was that of the delegate who attributed " our failure " to the " slavish worship of the past, communal dissensions, caste, purdah, pOlygamy, and early marriage." Pandit Motilal Nehru himself admitted frankly that a complete separation of religion from politics was the only remedy for India's civil strife.,