* * * * On another page we announce that
the total of our Aberdare Fund on WedneSday was £5,576 Os. 8d. We desire, in answer to inquiries, to explain the position of our " adoption " scheme in relation to the Prime Minister's pledge that the Government would contribute a pound for every pound subscribed to the Lord Mayor's Fund. All the " adoption " schemes and the question of allowing them to benefit by the Prime Minister's promise are still under consideration, but it is hoped that a decision may be reached within ten days. In the meantime we shall press on with the work that we are doing on behalf of our readers, always hoping that their contributions may be doubled in due course. Whether that is to happen or not, we shall in no way relax our efforts, and we trust that our readers will continue to support the Aberdare Fund with the same remarkable generosity and comradeship that they have shown already.