Dragos Oloieru
Sir: The Romanian Service of Radio Free Europe has become, for desperate Roma- nians, a real Appeal Court to which, in the absence of any United Nations or Western interest, they write to air their grievances, in the hope that their pleas will be heard by the Communist authorities (Radio, 8 De- cember). They are and, as a rule, the letter-writers are arrested by the secret police (Securitatea), beaten up 'and often, after a mock trial, sent to prison. A case in point is that of Dragos Oloieru who was arrested after one of his letters, in which he complained about unfair dismissal from his job, was broadcast. In January 1982, he was sentenced to eight years' imprison- ment for 'propaganda against the socialist state'. His case was taken up early this year by Amnesty International but he is still in prison, although he is very ill. Let's hope that Noel Malcolm's article and your spon- sorship will help him.
Horia Georgescu
36a Arterberry Road, London SW20