5 JANUARY 1985, page 16

City And Suburban

Rising damp N igel the captain and Robin the first mate are sitting in their boat, which is leaking. Robin's feet have got wet, but he cannot bale the boat out, because Nigel......

Dutch Treat

w hat should come floating through my letter-box, showing a touch of class to the gas bill, but a letter from United Consultants Securities of Amsterdam. 'Dear Investor,' writes......

Gibbs G.w.r.

m ay I be the first to wish City and Suburban readers a very happy ses- quicentenary of the Great Western Rail- way. That masterpiece on rails (and quite respectable investment)......

Restored To Life'

w hose life is it, anyway? Hambro Life, that is. Not the Hambros', whose bank backed it, made a fortune out of it, and might be thought to have given it their name. That name is......