Wilkes's Obelisk
Sir: You state (Notes, 8 December) that the Common Council of the City of Lon- don is going to donate £10,000 to erect a statue to John Wilkes. It should be remem- bered that......
Sir: I know one ought not to kick a man when he has just gone down, but really poor rich Taki's failure (High Life, 15 December) to understand the Anglophone world depresses me.......
Sir: Your tasteless wine column by Auso- nius (15 December) was worthy of the New Statesman at its worst. Desmond Albrow Tottyngton Cottage, Teddington......
Sir: I Am Sorry To Disappoint The Publishers, But A
necessary prefix slipped out of my Johnson ruminations (Books, 15 Decem- ber). The sentence should have read that T. S. Wharton's book 'displays a vigour and originality to......
Dr Johnson
Sir: This generation's uncritical adulation of Samuel Johnson seems to have reached a new peak of frenzy on the occasion of his bicentenary. Is there not a danger that it will......
Lost Supper
Sir: Sidney Vines's article (8 December) about the excommunication of two Angli- can women by the rector of their village church in Sussex was particularly inter- esting to me......
Dragos Oloieru Sir: The Romanian Service of Radio Free Europe has become, for desperate Roma- nians, a real Appeal Court to which, in the absence of any United Nations or......
Manifest Truth
Sir: May I endorse Mr Kirk's endorsement (Letters, 15 December) of Mr Almond's words concerning the desperate plight of the Spectator's political stance? Are we to suffer the......