Scrroor, Booss.—Ora Maritima. By Prof. E. A. Sonnenschein. (Sonnenschein. 2s.)—This
is another attempt to smooth the path of the learner of Latin. In the first section only the first declension, and the present indicative of sum and of first conjugation verbs, are used; II., 111., IV., and V. introduce us to the various forms of the declension. Afterwards we get to the third declension; but first conjugation verbs only are used throughout. We have no positive opinion to give. The problem is one that can only be solved, so to speak, ambulando. There will have to be a plunge into real Latin ; will the learner be better prepared for it by what is not real P—Macaulay's We of Pitt has been edited with Introduction and Notes by John Downie, MA. (A. and C. Black, 29.), with Mark Pattison's Life of Pitt, from the "Encyclopaedia Britannica," prefixed.