Letters To The Editor.
" ENGLAND " INSTEAD OF "BRITAIN." [To TER EDITOR OP TRZ SPZOTATOU."1 have always understood that the Spectator prides itself not only on the purity of the English but on the......
The Terms " Catholic " And "roman Catholic."
[To THE EDITOR OF TUC "SPECTATOR.") Si,—The enclosed extract from time Quarterly Review of June, 1839, may relieve the minds of some of your readers as to the term "......
(to The Editor Of The "spectitor.1 Six,—catholics Object...
called "Roman Catholics," firstly, because that name was invented and first used in opprobrium; secondly, because it connotes what is untrue ; and thirdly, because it is an......
Leo Xiii. And Protestant Propaganda.
[TO THE EDITOlt OR THE "SPECTATOR."J Sin,—Father Gerard's letter, originally addressed to the Spectator, appeared in the Tablet of 14th inst. I sent a letter to the editor of......
The Persecution Of The Roumanian Jews.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE 'SPECTATOR-'J SIR, — Mr. Montefiore's appeal (Spectator, June 28th) ought to receive the energetic support of every Englishman. The persecution of the Jews......