In The Evening Sitting Of Wednesday Mr. T. W. Russell
moved the adjournment of the House in order to call attention to the impending evictions on Lord De Freyne's estate. No one will doubt Mr. Russell's sincerity and good......
The Parade Of Colonial Contingents Held In Front Of The
Horse Guards on Tuesday morning passed off with brilliant success. After the inspection of the parade had taken place —the Queen leading the way in her carriage, followed by the......
London Witnessed A Grand Spectacle On Wednesday, One...
to the rulers of the Indian Empire. The Queen, accompanied by a crowd of Crown Princes, reviewed thirteen hundred soldiers, all picked men, representing the different forces of......
The Fires Were Mostly Built Of Faggots Well Smeared With
pitch, and burnt with flames so bright and fierce that all the near landscape looked as clear as in the daytime. That was weird and striking, but it was still more thrilling to......
The Coronation Bonfires Were Lighted On Monday Night, And As
at the celebrations of the Jubilee and Diamond Jubilee, proved that after all the most primitive form of illumination is the most effective. Everything combines to make a......
In The House Of Commons On Thursday A Rambling And
not very profitable discussion took place in regard to foreign affairs occasioned by a speech by Sir Charles Dilke. The chief point of interest in Lord Cranborne's general reply......
In The House Of Lords On Thursday, On The Second
reading of the Finance Bill, Lord G-oschen made a powerful defence of Sir Michael Hicks Beach's financial measures. The tax on corn would, he declared, only amount to half a......
Dr. Leigh Canney Sends An Interesting Letter To The Times
of last Saturday on the progress of his scheme, published just a year ago, for the abolition of typhoid in the Army. He contends, not without good grounds, that Mr. Brodrick's......
Bank Rate. 3 Per Cent.
New Consols (2k) were on Friday 961.......