281h February 1853.
In the approaching dismemberment of Turkey, Auatria seeks to gain pos- session of the Valley of the Danube ; Russia, of Constantinople and the ad- jacent country ; France, of the "Holy Places," or Syria. Under these cir- cumstances, is it not time for England to make provision for securing her Northern Indian frontier, more especially that part of it which extends from the 30th to the 60th meridian East of Greenwich ?
Commencing at the meridian first mentioned, that frontier is truly the Mediterranean, or the boundary of Asia as far as the Black Sea; from that sea to the Caspian, still the same boundary, or the watershed of the Circas- sian mountains and the Caucasus ; and from the Caspian Eastward to the Sea of Ochotsk the watershed of the Altai, or the mountain-chains separa- ting the rivers that fall into the Arctic Ocean from those that flow into the Aral Sea and Southwards.
Within these limits, do not wisdom and duty alike require that, borrowing an idea from her Transatlantic descendants, England adopt and so far carry out "the Monroe principle," as to preclude acquisition of territory by any