The Vienna Lloyd Of Tuesday Contradicts The Report That A
conspiracy had been discovered at Column. A telegraphic despatch from Vienna, of Thursday's date, says that "the improvement in the state of health of the Emperor advances......
In Reply To A Deputation, Yesterday, Lord Canning Stated...
his plan i for cheap Colonial postage s, to reduce all Colonial postages to sixpence ; of which one penny would go to the colony, one penny to England, and fourpence to the......
Rrittro T T1 Than.
THE INCOME-TAX DIFFICULTY. Sin—Notwithstanding your notice to correspondents, allow me to say, in which remark I feel assured most of your readers will concur, that you have......
SATURDAY. The second reading of the Clergy Reserves Canada Bill, in the House of Commons last night, was preluded by the presentation of a few clerical petitions from the colony......
Mr. Woodin—he Of "the Carpet-bag And Sketch-book "—whom...
have seen him admire for his talent in personation, and whom even those who have not seen him familiarly know from the vigour of his street-advertisements--has removed to the......
Parisian Theatricals.
At the Com6die Francaise, a little dismal drama in one act and in verse, written by M. Auguste de Belloy, was brought out on Friday the 25th February, with the pleasant title of......
1fl4t Trttrto.
In theatrical matters, we Londoners keep Lent more strictly than many of our Catholic neighbours would be inclined to suspect. Tho pantomimes brought out at Christmas are......
A Fearful "accident" Was Transacted On The Lancashire And...
line last night. An express-train got off the rails, and ran up an embank- ment. The engine-driver and a child were killed; eight severely wounded— one it is feared, fatally. A......
Money Market,
STOOK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY APTBEN0019. The fluctuations in Government Securities this week have been quite in- significant. Consols, which closed on Saturday at 991 1, have only......