Song Of The Sabbath.
The Sabbath day—the gracious day ! Bringing the gift of peace, Chasing life's rudest cares away, Letting tired labour cease; Breaking like sunshine on the earth, Bidding vain......
Indian Frontier.
281h February 1853. In the approaching dismemberment of Turkey, Auatria seeks to gain pos- session of the Valley of the Danube ; Russia, of Constantinople and the ad- jacent......
Rrittro T T1 Than.
THE INCOME-TAX DIFFICULTY. Sin—Notwithstanding your notice to correspondents, allow me to say, in which remark I feel assured most of your readers will concur, that you have......
Topics Of The Day.
TH.E ArunrAL DISARMAMENT MISSION. As Lord Aberdeen has seen fit to entertain the proposition laid be- fore him by the deputation from the Peace Conference lately as- sembled at......
The Milton Club.
41h March 1853. SIR—In reference to your article of last week on the above topic, allow me a word of explanation. When the first meeting was held to originate the Club, the......