5 MARCH 1853, Page 9



The fluctuations in Government Securities this week have been quite in- significant. Consols, which closed on Saturday at 991 1, have only varied between that price and 99a 1. Some large speculative purchases were made early in the week; which produced no permanent effect, owing to a consider- able demand for money, partly to provide for commercial bills due today. Consols close this afternoon at 991 1; the improvement in French Rentes producing if advance. The present pressure for money will prevent the Bank of England from making any reduction in its rate for advances during the shutting of the transfer-books. Its general custom has been on such an occasion to charge if per cent below the current discount ; it is understood it will now be 3 per cent. Exchequer Bills of the June issue have been rather steady throughout the week, and close today 12 18. The advertised, whose term expired yesterday, were done on that morning as low as 3. Bank Stock is if higher than on Saturday last. In India Stock the books have closed. Foreign Stocks have been firm, but not much activity has prevailed. Turk- ish Scrip has been in demand, and on Wednesday rose to 2 premium. A de- putation from the Committee of Bondholders waited upon Lord Clarendon on Monday, to solicit the assistance of Government in obtaining justice for the proprietors of this loan : it leaves off today at 11 2 premium. An improvement has also occurred this week in the following Stocks—Mexican, 11 ; Brazilian, Peruvian, and Sardinian, 1; Danish Five per Cents, f. The various de- scriptions of Spanish Securities have been inquired after. The Committee Certificates of Coupons not funded advanced on Tuesday to 71, owing to a report that a Three per Cent loan of 4,000,0001. was to be issued at the price of 40; the Certificates to be taken at a certain rate. The Deferred is I higher, and the Three per Cents 1. Russian Five per Cents have declined f. Peru- vian Scrip continues very firm at 5f premium. The settlement in Peel River Land and Mineral Shares, connected with the Australian Agricultural Company, took place on Wednesday : both descrip- tions have since rather receded, the former closing today at 61 1 premium, and the latter 100 110 ex Peel and ex div.

The Railway Market improved in the early, part of the week; partly owing to the arrivals of gold. On Tuesday, London and North-western left off at 1191 201 ex div., and Great Western 911 2 ex div. : both have since declined 1/., sales having taken place in these and other shares to realize profits. At the close of business yesterday, the difference in some of the leading lines was to the following extent compared with last Saturday. Increase—Lancaster and Carlisle, 2.l. ; Great Northern, 15s. ; Great Western, London and North-western, and Bristol and Exeter, 5s. Decrease—Shrews- bury and Birmingham, and South-eastern, ; Caledonian, Lancashire and Yorkshire, London, Brighton, and South Coast, London and South-western, and East Lancashire, 10s. ; Midland, 28. 6d. French Shares have improved to the following extent—Paris and Rouen, 11.; Northern of France, Paris and Strasbourg, and Western of France, 10s.; Grand Junction of France, and Paris and Lyons, 5s. Today there has been no alteration in the English lines. Foreign Shares have slightly improved.


In the English Market the Funds are firm this morning, but without alteration : Consols for Money and Account 99f 1. Foreign Stocks present no new feature. Railway Shares are steady, but there is very little business doing. Bargains have been recorded in the following Shares—Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee, 341; Great Northern, 81; South-eastern, 781; York and North Midland, H. and S. purchase, 101.

8 per Cent Console

Ditto for Account. ?gl I 3 per Cent Reduced

34 per Cents Hi

Long Annuities Bank Stock 27 8 Exchequer Bills 12 18 India Stock shut Brazilian 5 per Cents 102 4 Belgian 44 per Cents 98 100 Chilian 6 per Cents 105 7 'Danish 5 per Cents. 1046 cad. Danish per Cents

Dutch 24 per Cents

Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 3 per Cents

Penman 6 per Cents

Portuguese 4 per Cents ....

Russian 5 per Cents

Ditto 44 per Cents

Spanish 3 per Cants

Ditto Deferred

Sardinian 5 per Cents

Austrian Scrip 84 6 66 7 981 94 25 10 9 38 9 117 19 cad. 109 4 431 244 954 (t4 7 9

BANK OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on Saturday, the 26th day of Feb. 1853.


Notes issued £31,652,320 Government Debt E11,016,100 Other Securities 2.984,900 Gold Coln and Bullion 17,633,166 Silver Bullion 19,15t £31,652,320 £31,052,320


Proprietors Capital Rest Public Deposits' Other Deposits Seven Day and other Bills £14,513,000

11,24^,336 7,(- 62,129 12,397,513 1,355,816

Government Securities .

eluding I)ead Weight Annuity)

Other Securities Notes

Gold aud Sliver Coin


.£13,488,853 14,926,211


538,183 £38,615,822 £38,615,822 • Including Exchequer, Savings-Banks, Commissionersof National Debt. & Dividend Accts.