ADMIRALTY, Feb. 28.-In consideration of the successful operations against Ran- goon and Peo.ii, and in the Irrawaddy river, the following Naval promotions have taken place, 'dated the 25th Feb.
To be Capt.-Commander C. F. A. Shadwell.
To be Commanders-Lieuts. J. W. Horrific, H. S. .Hillyar, E. Lambert, G. W. Rice.
To be Lieuts.-Mates IT. A. Hind. C. A. B. Pocock.
To be Master-Second blaster R. Sturges& To be Surgeons-Assist.-Surgs. T. Seccombe, H. Slade. To he Boatswain of the Second Class-J. Campbell, Boatswain of the Third Class. The Board have further directed the promotions of the undermentioned officers, contingent on their passing the required examinations-R. C. Copland, Mate, to be Lieut.; J. F. Johnson, Assist.-Surg. to be Surg.; J. Minton, boatswain's-mate, to be boatswain.