Colonel Hanle, Surveyor-General of the Ordnance, was unanimously ralected as Member for Forfarshire, yesterday sennight. His speech of thanks contained an animated expression of general adherence to a course of Liberal policy,—extension of the suffrage, though without the ballot; readjustment of taxation ; education on a broad and liberal basis unfet- tered by sectarian trammels; and abolition of tests in the Scotch Univer- sities. But he was against the extension of endowments to "religious bodies beyond the pale of our Churches established by law." He eu- logized the " Coalition " Government; to which name he had no objec- tion, if it means a union of men agreeing amongst themselves in the main as to their principle of political action, and capable of carrying on the. public service.
At the election for Lord Rector of Marischal College Aberdeen, which took place on Tuesday, Mr. Disraeli's name was withdrawn and that of Lord Mansfield substituted. A poll was taken ; when the Earl of Car- lisle carried the election by 185 to 45; having a majority in all the Nations.