ai nth.
Mr. Gye has put forth his announcement of the approaching Royal Italian Opera season. Its substance may be comprised in few words. The company will include almost all the old familiar names of previous years; Grisi, Bosio, lllarai, Dicliee, Mario, Gardoni, Tamberlik, Ron- coni, Neri Baraldi, Tagliafieo, Zelger, Graziani, and others of lesser note. The only "first appearances in England" are those a Mademoiselle Delphine Calderon, from the Fenice Theatre at Venice, and Signor De- bassini from the Imperial Opera at St. Petersburg. Meyerbeer's new opera is announced, but not in positive terms. Mr. Gyo "has every reason to hope that he will be able to present it during the ensuing sea- son. This opera, however, not having as yet been produced in public, it would naturally be premature to make any positive announcement." The other operas promised in the course of the season are, Don Giovanni, Martha, Rigoletto, La Gazza Ladra, sad Il Giuramente. Of these, the last is the only one which is not familiar to the public ; and it is really an old work, of only mediocre reputation. We are rather surprised to find no mention of 1. °rill's new opera, L'e Belle di Moochers, which has been produced with great success at Rome. Fur ourselves, we think we have had enough of Verdi and to spare ; but ha is the Only Italian composer of the day. He is in fashion, here as elsewhere ; and when he produces something new, our public are entitled to have it provided fur them with due expedition. Some names are mentioned for the ballet, but few people care about the ballet now-a-days. All the Dieux et Dresses de la dense of former days have vanished, and note have ap- peared, to fill their places. The only remaining information is that the theatre will open on Saturday the 2d of April, and that the subscription will consist of forty nights.
The musical performances of the week have been the Popular Concert on Monday, Mullah's on Tuesday, and that of the Vocal Association on Wednesday. The Popular Concert consisted of a selection from the works of Haydn and Weber ; well-known things, but excellent in them- selves and excellently performed. At Mullah's Concert as well as that of the Vocal Association, Bennett's May Queen was the principal fea- ture. On both occasions this beautiful and truly English work was re- ceived with the greatest favour . and we see from the provincial papers that it has already been performed at many of the principal towns in the kingdom. The English public, after all, aro not so indifferent to the claims of "native talent" as ninny people would have us believe.
On Tuesday evening, Mr. Ella commences his Musical Union Soirees at the St. James's Hall. Amid the throng of entertainments which oven
at this early period of the season are promised to us, these concerts in• sure patronage from the artistic judgment and care with which their pro- grammes are selected, and the sure excellence with which they are car- ried out.