Those Who Envy The Rich Golden Hair Displayed In The
pictures of the Venetian masters should consult a chapter on " Femmes Blondes," in the Venetian Chronicle of the past, admirably treated in the fourth number of the Gazette des......
A Correspondent Of The Builder Sensibly Enough Suggests...
Chief Commissioner of Works should order a model of Mr. Scott's revised design for the New Foreign Office to be made for public inspection as well as the working drawings, &c.,......
The Lecture On Art, Artists, And Industry In England,...
at the Society of Arts by M. Theophile Silveatre, has been published in English. This gentleman's business in this country having been somewhat rudely questioned, it may be as......
Literary News.
The want of an elegant and portable edition of the " Waverley Novels," has long been felt, and is now about to be supplied by the pub- lication of a set in forty-eight volumes,......
Bourn Kensington Museum. — During The Week Ending 26th...
visitors have been as follows—On Monday, Tuesday, and Satur- day, free days, 4586; on Monday . and Tuesday, free evenings, 4780. On the three students' days, (admission to the......
Publications Received.
The publishers have instinctively grasped the small nature or slender interest of the new Reform Bill, and proceeded on their course without much reference to Parliamentary......
Put Irts.
Colonel Fuller of New York, now in London, has been commissioned by the American "Cosmopolitan Art Union" to purchase paintings for that institution, while on his visit to......
On the 28th of January, at St. Croix, D. W. I. the Wife of Frank IL Newton Esq., of a daughter. On the 22d of February, at Euxton Hall, Lancashire, the Lady Emma Andertan, of a......