5 MARCH 1859, page 2

Ither5 Nub Vrombings In Varttranrut.

PRINCIPAL BOSINESS OF THE WEEK. nom OF Loans. Monday ' February 28. The State of Europe ; Lord Claren- don's Question—Debtor and Creditor ; the Lord Chancellor's Bill read a......

The Indian News Is Chiefly Remarkable For One Fact :

the de- mand of Jung Bahadoor for aid in hunting down the Sepoys and rebels who have sought shelter in his dominions. This disposes of the suspicions impugning the fidelity of......

The Moniteur Announces That, At The Request Of,tbe...

the French troops have retreated from Rome to Civita. Vecchia, having thus actually begun the evacuation of the ponti- cal states. They have done so without awaiting the result......