Those who envy the rich golden hair displayed in the
pictures of the Venetian masters should consult a chapter on " Femmes Blondes," in the Venetian Chronicle of the past, admirably treated in the fourth number of the Gazette des Beaux Arts by Armand Basehet. Here is the whole process by which the coquettes of Venice achieved such a superb capillary decora- tion, handed down by Cesare Vecellio, the cousin of Titian, in exquisite de- tail, in a work published at Venice in 1590.
Besides the specialities of the Art Journal., (among which is a well illus- trated carefully written summary of the works of Mr. Witherington, R.A.,) an article by Mr. J. Wright on domestic games and amusements in the middle ages is curious and attractive from the historical illustrations it pro- vides of gaming in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries.