AF TER no less than thirteen days of vacillation on his own part, and intrigue among leading Opportunists, M. Carnot has succeeded in forming a Ministry. It is the old one with M. Constans left out, and M. Loubet substituted for him as Minister of the Interior, and nominal Premier. M. de Frey- einet, still the guiding spirit, remains Minister of War, M. Ronvier of Finance, and M. Ribot of Foreign Affairs, with three new men, among whom M. Cavaignac is the only one of promise, in Ministries of less importance. The Ministry met the Chamber on Thursday, and M. Loubet read out a long programme intended to conciliate as many votes as possible. The Ministry deny that a majority exists in the country favouring Disestablishment, and will, therefore, rely on the Concordat, and administer it " in its true spirit; " that is, they will bold the clergy bound not only to obey the laws, but to keep themselves aloof from party struggles and dis- cussions. They have, they think, sufficient power to compel this attitude, but if not, they will appeal to Parliament for "a sovereign decision." They will adhere to the policy of Protection, and will pursue the work of social improve. ment, especially the plan for securing pensions to aged workmen. They rejoice at the movement of "our ad- versaries" towards the Republic, will seek the more equitable distribution of public charges and common advantages, and will try to govern through the Republican Party for the advantage of the whole country. The programme leaves the religions question exactly where it stood, and for the rest is a repetition of commonplaces, amidst which it is impossible to discern any intent except that of waiting on events. It is a programme of men who think all decisions dangerous.