The Secretary For Ireland, Mr. Jackson, Made A Speech At
Leeds on Saturday which did not look as if he thought the Government was, in Sir W. Harcourt's phrase, dissolving itself as pleasantly as a lump of sugar in a cup of tea. He......
As For The Substance Of His Speech, There Cannot Be
said to have been any. He scoffed at Mr. Chamberlain for his silence on Welsh Disestablishment. He sneered at Mr. Goschen's one-pound notes. He once more inveighed against Lord......
Mr. Jephson, The African Explorer, Delivered A Lecture In...
on Wednesday, pleading for the proposal which was made on Thursday in Parliament to grant £20,000 for the survey of a railway from Mombassa to the north-west, shore of the......
The Prussian Government Is Engaged In A Sort Of Crusade •
against the Press for disrespectful remarks upon the recent. speech of the Emperor-King, the Public Prosecutor demanding penal sentences upon the editors. Even the Cologne......
Sir William Harcourt Was In High Feather At The Greenwich
Skating-Rink on Monday night. Though, he said, he was becoming almost an old Parliamentary band, his Parlia- mentary speeches will not compare for a moment with his platform......
The Correspondent Of The Times Who Is Investigating The-...
famine, declares that the only way to save the three hundred thousand German colonists settled on the Volga, is to assist them to emigrate. The villagers have lost heart - as......
Englishmen Do Not Often Take Much Interest In Irish Trials,
unless they are agrarian ; but a recent charge of cruelty to children has produced unusual excitement in society. Mrs. Montagu, wife of Mr. R. A. C. Montagu, of Coleraine—a son......