Letters To The Editor.
THE QUEEN AND LORD HARTINGTON IN 1880. . [To THE ROME OF THE " SPACTATOH."] SIR,—Your account of what took place on the change of Government in 1880 is, I believe, essentially......
Lying In Court.
[To Tax aurros ow THA "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, With reference to the suggestion of your correspondent from Jamaica, that the principle of the Gold Coast ordinance should be adopted......
The Gresham University.
[TO THY EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—My attention has just been drawn to the article on " The Gresham University," in the Spectator of February 20th, in which reference is......
The Happiness Of Children.
W E cannot, of course, comment upon the charges brought against Mrs. Montagu, of Coleraine, a condensed out- line of which will be found upon our second page. They may, of......