5 MARCH 1898, Page 25


Albrecht Durer. By Lionel Cust. (Seeley and Co. 7s. 6d. net.)— This volume consists of two numbers of the "Portfolio Series" bound together. The first deals with the engravings, both on wood and on copper; the second with the paintings and drawings. Mr. Cnst has told well the story of Darer's life, which is an inter- esting one, giving as it does an insight into Burgher Niirenberg with its Meistersinger atmosphere, as well as glimpses of the faller and artistically grander life of Venice. Very interesting is Darer's own account of the effect produced upon him as quite a young man when he first was confronted with the Italian system of the proportions of the human figure. All his life Darer studied deeply these proportions. He never arrived at the large style and harmony of parts which were the birthright of the Italians ; but the depth of his poetical imagination and his marvellous power of holding the attention make him one of the great artists. The book is fall of good illustrations, the landscape sketches being very interesting; they seem so modern compared to the conven- tional backgrounds of the time.