5 MARCH 1898, page 25

The Venetian Painters Of The Renaissance. By Bernhard...

P. Putnam's Sons. 218. net.)—This is the third edition, and in the list of Venetian pictures has been enlarged. In a preface to it the author tells us that he considers that the......

The Central Italian Painters Of The Renaissance. By...

(G. P. Putnam's Sons.)—It is not often that a work about the Renaissance painters has in it so many now and original views. The book is especially interesting in the part which......

Atlas Of Classical Portraits. By W. H. D. Rouse. (dent

and Co.)—These two little books, one dealing with Greece and the other with Rome, are intended, as the preface tells us, for schoolboys. The preface expresses a hope that a boy......

Millais And His Work. By M. H. Spielmann. (blackwood And

Sons.)—This readable little book is written in the language of panegyric rather than in that of unbiassed criticism; all the same, it is a welcome guide to the wonderful......


Albrecht Durer. By Lionel Cust. (Seeley and Co. 7s. 6d. net.)— This volume consists of two numbers of the "Portfolio Series" bound together. The first deals with the engravings,......

Modern Architecture. By H. Heathcote Statham. (chapman...

6d.)—The author, who is the editor of the Builder, calls this "a book for architects and the public." Certainly his wise criticisms of modern building and general principles......

The Influence Of Material On Architecture. By Banister F....

(B. T. Batsford.) — This exceedingly interesting essay obtained the medal of the Royal Society of British Archi- tects in 1896, and is now reprinted with illustrations. The......