5 MARCH 1898, page 24

The Magazines.

THE March number of the Contemporary Review is an un- usually readable one. The first article, though intentionally one-sided, is a fine statement of the case against the......

Pant Alas. By Edward Jenkins. (k. Bentley And Son.)—mr....

as usual, satirises or censures various institutions which do not satisfy him. Social difficulties, as they present themselves in the midst of a highly complex civilisation, are......

Current Literature.

The British Constitution. By Jesse Macy, M.A. (Macmillan and Co. 8s. 6d. net.)—Professor Macy has studied his subject in books and by personal observation, the latter extended......

Pike And Perch. By Alfred Jardine. (lawrence And Bullen.)...

are many anglers to whom the pike and the perch are more familiar than the trout or the salmon, and it is by them that this concise volume will be justly appreciated. It forms......