5 MARCH 1898, Page 25

The Venetian Painters of the Renaissance. By Bernhard Berenson. (G.

P. Putnam's Sons. 218. net.)—This is the third edition, and in the list of Venetian pictures has been enlarged. In a preface to it the author tells us that he considers that the Duke of Northumber- land's "Bacchanal," hitherto supposed to be the last great work of Gian Bellini, to be really by Marco Basaiti. We are not given the grounds for this decision, the photographs required as evidence not being available. Mr. Berenson has written a brilliant essay on Venetian painting full of suggestive things, and those who care for the Italian art of the Renaissance cannot fail to enjoy it. This edition is illustrated with photogravures, many of which are well done. The frontispiece, however (Titian's " Jeans homme au gent"), is a poor and touched-up specimen of this process.