BCCKSTONE'S Weak Points are placarded over the town, in such
an ostentatious way that one would think some enemy had been " showing him up" at the Haymarket. Instead of which, he has been expcsing the "weak points" of others very amusingly. The shallow arts by which Jemmy Wheedle, a cunning, roguish, little adventurer, worms himself into the confidence of Mr. Docker, a bargain-hunting penny wise economist, and gets the good opinion of the family, with the view of carrying off an old maiden aunt with a little money, make up the plot of the piece; and coarse caricatures of some of the corn- monest foibles of mankind—in several instances so broad as to be merely absurd and not ludicrous—represent the characters. As a farce, it provokes laughter, and so far answers its purpose: but one cannot help wishing that the idea were better worked out, and mote according to nature: it is too good to be spoiled by the " weak points" of the dramatist—superficiality and exaggeration. The piece affords small scope for acting, and therefore leaves no impression ; though drollery tells at the moment.