New Musical Publications.
If the current be strong, and in certain quarters irresistible, in favour of what is the least worthy of regard in vocal music, it is some conso. lotion to find that there is......
We Have Been Shown A Portrait Of The Dutchess Of
Kent, drawn by Mr. MINAS!, with pen and ink, in imitation of line engraving. It is very curious as an effort of patient ingenuity ; but, in our estimation, it is labour ill......
Saunders's Portraits Of Living Political Reformers Are...
and animated as Itsrau.'s of the Conservatives. GEORGE HATTER'S likenesses have a set, formal look : that of Mr. Buxton, in Part V. is characteristic; but we miss the bonhommie......
Engraved Portraits.
MESSRS. FINDEN have commenced a series of Portraits of th e F eu! . Aristocracy of the Court of Queen Victoria, at a propitious tim e; when the public, sick of the namby-pumby......
" Si Lo Redo." Scena Di Faust. L. Spohr. This
is one of the most splendid dramatic scenes ever written; whether we regard the variety, force, and expression of the recitative, the exquisite beauty of the cantabile, the......
Solfegil Di Zingarelli. A Very Good Work Of Its Kind,
but better adapted to the vocal school of the author and his contemporaries, than to that of the present Ita- lian school, which is rather instrumental than vocal.......
Society Of Painters In Water Colours. Society Of Painters In
WATER COLOURS. YEAR after year we visit this delightful exhibition, and each time see the same sort of subjects treated in the same manner and by the same artists ; yet, so far......