The Radical Pis Aller.
SOME Members of the House of Commons will probably get Peerages at the Coronation ; and their present constituents must select new Representatives. In reference to such......
Maimed Rites.
AT the Coronation, there is to be a grand procession, but no pro- cession on foot, and no banquet in Westminster Hall. Aldernee have no idea of a celebration without a feast. It......
Episcopal Immunities.
Is an eloquent passage in one of JEREMY TAYLOR'S sermons, the honest old divine declares that congregations attending doctrinal preachers are like infants who suck dry-nurses ;......
Operation Of The Corn-laws On Foreign Trade.
A WEALTHY and generally intelligent Lancashire manufacturer was complaining, the other day, of the dulness of trade in Man- chester, and the not very flattering prospects of men......