AT the Coronation, there is to be a grand procession, but no pro- cession on foot, and no banquet in Westminster Hall. Aldernee
have no idea of a celebration without a feast. It was the dinact
they were thinking of when they offered their hundreds for arai defraying the expense of the ceremonial. The talk was, and is still, about distressed artisans, and starving weavers in Spitale fields ; but the demand for line clothes will not he dinsinisited by dispensing with the dinner. Westminster Abbey will be as IoU as it can hold of spangles, lace, and embroidery. Not a Lee] et Lady will wear one ruffle or flounce the less because the crush of the banquet is spared them. From the manner in which wise Lore LONDONDERRY and certain citizens write and speak on this sail-
ject, it might be supposed that the special embassies from fcreige parts would be countermanded, on the arrival of the move tleti there is to be no banquet. It is for the feed that they desire cross the seas. Says Lord LoNnoviwatav, "The wealth than. would flow into the country would be increased by the ri.•,.! splendour of all the magnates and their trains, wile would
to witness this great and solemn ceremonial." Prince E`,71,A. Rant and the Grand Duke MICHAEL, Marshal SOULT and :LE Marquis of MIRAFLORES, will make a paltry appearance wl'er they learn that the Queen is to stint them in turtle !
The Ministry have not ;lone much lately to earn popular 1;i• port, but sure we are that the resolution to dispense with the , • '- gar banquet will be generally approved of. There is no more wt-to ful mode of spending money either by an individual or a nation that. in costly luxuries for the palate. There is something to show the money laid out in almost every thing else ; but an enermow sum would be expended in a coronation-banquet, for which thc people who had to pay for it would get nothing but the list of (LA, in the next day's newspapers.
For those, however, who will have feasting, a substitute fh- the public banquet may be found in numerous private entertain merits. Let the Peers of the realm outvie each other in the splendour of their parties, defraying the cost thereof out uf their own pockets, not from those of the needy and induetr:.ite Let the Aldermen, whose sympathies arc so much moved in LI. half of suffering tradesmen, give public dinners in their r spective wards to all and sundry. Let the motto of the Me on the Coronation-day be, " slay and eat : " then the Londoners will pay for their own gratification, and will alone suffer from their folly.