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, Queen held a Levee at St. James's Palace ou IV's,liasday. It as 1111....t Ilurnerou,ty attended ; the list of presenbititoss becupyiog 'featly four collillIna of the Morhin9 Pint. Among the cumpany, were sae flukes of Somerset, Itiolotiond, and St. Albans, tile Marquises of Intly, An p.lesert, Bute, Ilreadolballe, ar.d Hertford, the Earls of Giendg. Cam perdown, Fit zo Mien), Winch ilsea, Leicester, and Grosvenor, Viscounts Stranglers', Duncan, Moly neux, and Alford, Leads Cranstoun, Jeffrey, Dinurben, Ashbui tun, and Rolle, Mr. lathe King, Sir Harris Nicolas, Colonel Abereromby, and Mr. i >en Men.
:ht Thursday, her Majesty held a Drawing-room, in the usual state. Among the presentations, were the Countess of Leicester, Mrs. eineerstein, Lady Follett, Lady Palgrave, Aliss Denman, Mrs. thins- ley Sheridan, Lady Anti Fox, Miss Julia Canning, Lady Edward Thymic., Lady Kimmird, the Hunootable Frederica Kinuaird, the Hemouruble Miss Copley, Miss flume, Miss D'Eyncourt, and Gout,. tess Nelson.
In the evening, the Queen went to the Italian Opera. khesterday, the Queen, with the Dutchess of Kent, and several . iadics and gentlemen of the Household, went to the National Gallery to inspect the fortheoutiog exhibition of the Royal Academy. The (Joke and Dutchess of Cambridge had seen the pictures, and taken their departure, before the Queen's arrival. IIer Majesty will give a grand ball at Buckingham Palace on Thurs. . day next.