At the banquet to be given by the Conservative Members
of the House of Commons to Sir Robert Peel, on the 12th instant, at Met- chant Tailor's II all, it is expected that of the 311 Members who hue inserted their names in the list of hosts, 300 will be present personally
to take part in the festival. The Marquis of Chandos is appointed Chairman, and the Honourable W. S. Luscelles Vice-Chairman. We understand that some of the most distinguished Members of the House
of Lords, the Duke of Wellington taking the lead, intimated their wish to be included in the list of hosts ; but this was felt to be wholly incompatible with the principle upon which the entertainment had been suggested and arranged.—Morning Post. [The selection of the Mar- quis of Chandos for Chairman, in preference to Lord Francis Egerton, is an indication that the" Movement" section of the Conservatives have, for the present, gained the ascendancy, or at least that it has been deemed prudent to conciliate them.] A letter from Portsmouth states, that on the evening of Lord Dur- ham's arrival at Portsmouth, his Lordship and family dined at one table and his staff at another, in the same room, and at the same hour! We suppose we shall soon hear of Lord Durham reviving the old cue- torn of arranging his guests above and below the sult-cellar.—Tiaes- [On equally good authority, we may expect " soon to bear of Lord Durham reviving" the still older custom of eating the guests.] It is believed that one of the sitting Members for the borough of Great Yarmouth will accept the Chiltern Hundreds forthwith; ant is thought highly probable that the seat thus vacated will be acquired. without opposition, by a late Conservative candidate for the replant. *inn° of the horough.—Post. We had heard of this as accounting for sudden u de termination of the Election Committee inquiry ; but could o."0-t,-and do not, credit it. If any such unworthy compromise has been
ow h
entered into, we hope the e el ectora themselves will defeat it.—Globe. (No doubt, the worthy y electors will do their best to get up another contested election : they always reap benefit from contests.] A committee of the Privy Council met on Monday, to consider the Manchester charter. Their Lordships determined to send down two commissioners to investigate the statements for and against the char- ter.—Globe,