Lord William Somerset, who is brother-in-law to Major Molyneux Williams,
of Penbedw, Flintshire, and bad been on a visit there, has got involved in a troublesome scrape, through an unfortunate accident which occurred last week. The particulars are these. George Jones, publican, of Caergwrley, and Margaret Evans, the wife of another publican of the same place, were on their return from Wrexham, and on leaving the town were riding on the hinder axletree of an unladen timber carriage. The driver left the team in the care of Jones, whilst be returned to the town for a top-coat which he had forgot ; and Jones Aimee the team slowly on. The carriage of Lord Somerset, then on his way to Penbedw, came up; and when passing the waggon, the waggon-horses were lashed from the dickey of the carriage, where his Lordship was sitting. The team galloped on, and a jerk of the wheel threw Jones and the woman off the axletree ; and they fell under the wheel, and were immediately killed. A Coroner's inquest was held on the Saturday, and adjourned over Sunday and Monday. The witnesses distinctly swore to the horses being lashed from the dickey of the car- riage; and it was stated that his Lordship and his sun were sitting there at the time. After an anxious inquiry, the Jury returned a ver- mict of manslaughter against the noble lord. He was present at the time, but on hearing the verdict he moat unexpectedly halted; and as the offence is not bailable before the Coroner or Justices, we appre. tend application will be made to the Court of Queen's Betide—Chester Chronicle.
The Salopian Journal gives a different account of the accident, as follows. " On Thursday last, about three, as a man named Hughes and his wife were riding en a timber-carriage between Wrexham and Mold, a post.boy, in pearling, whipped the leader of the tag; when the horses started off at a furious pace, throwing the unfortunate people to the ground, and killing them both on the spot."
Captain John Alexander Wilmot, late of the Seventeenth Lancers, and of the Queen of Spain's service, has been finally examined before the Rochester Magistrates, at the Guildhall, on several charges of bigamy. The Captain was dressed in the first style of fashion ; having lavender kid gloves, over which he wore a splendidly jewelled ring. lie treated the charges with great levity, and occasionally applied a handsome smelling-bottle to his nose. Sarah Short, Anne Knight, and Rachel Lamb, three of the prisoner's wives, were then severally called on to appear; but neither of the infatuated ladies would give evidence against him. Powell, the Clerk of St. George's, Hanover Square, produced the register of the prisoner's marri4e in 1837, with Mrs. Anne Hodgson, a widow. The Clerk of St. Margaret's, Rochester, produced the register of his second marriage at that elitist+, to Miss Eliza Crisp, also in 1837. These marriages being proved by parties who had been present ut the ceremonies, arid the prisoner fully identi- fied, he was called upon to state any thing he might be advised, but re. fused to address the Bench. The Mugistrates committed him to Maidstone gaol for trial. As the prisoner was removed from the ball, the crowd outside hooted and groaned at him, which they continued to do until he left the city.—Afaidstone Journal.
A fir plantation of thirty acres, belonging to the Crown, and situated near the Military College, Blackwater, was destroyed by tire on Friday morning. It was discovered between eight and nine o'clock, and no doubt was maliciously set fire to.— Windsor Express.
On Friday night, a steam.boiler burst at the cotton factory of Messrs. Lane and Sons, in the higher Hillgate, Stockport ; by which nine persons were dreadfully scalded, and one killed. The man who lost his life was a weaver, about thirty years of age. lie was buried in the ruins caused by the explosion, and was taken out a frightfully mangled corpse. The alarm caused by the explosion among the hands employed in the mill was so great, that several men jumped out at the second-floor window, thinking the building was falling. The greatest sensation has prevailed in the towns of Kendal and Milnthorpe, and the neighbourhood, during the last few days, in conse- quence of a well-authenticated report of a pauper inmate of the Aliln- thorpe Workhouse having been foully murdered by another inmate, with
the knowledge of the Governor. True it is that a man of the name of Robinson was interred at Heversbam on Thursday last, under the most auspicious circumstances, from that Workhouse; and these have been strengthened by the information of the paupers, when out of the house
on Sunday, to that degree as to cause his disinterment fcr the purpose of an investigation before a Coroner's Jury ; and the person who is said
to have committed the foul deed has been apprehended. Such, how- ever, are the conflicting statements told of this horrid affair, that it would be unjust to report them in a newspaper previous to a full inves-
tigation into the case. The name of the person apprehended is Thomas Jiolme, who bad been mysteriously discharged from the Workhouse after the death of Robinson. A boy, who it is said would have been a material evidence, an inmate of the Workhouse, has absconded.— WItitehaven Herald. [We suspect that this will turn out to be one of the cock-and-bull-stories of workhouse iniquities, which supply the aliment of Lord Stanhope's and Dr. Phillpotte's speeches.]