The agitation on the subject of Negro Apprenticeship is begun again in good earnest. The thasgow petition, on Wednesday evening last, ha I been subscribed by no fewer than 70,336 names—Ziti,S16 men and 18.5'20 women ! In the other large towns, the demonstration of public feeling is equally strung. We are glad to clad that Aberdeen has not been backward on the oeva.ion. A most munerous and re. speetable meeting, was held on Wednesday evening. The speakers ac- quitted themselves admirably ; giving a full and faithful expression to what we believe to be the real sentiments of a great majority of our fellow citizens. Principal Dewar's speech was eloquent and impres- sive ill a high degree. We have no doubt that the petition will be nu. merously signed. The one which was sent a few weeks ago, obtained in two day, 3,800 signatures. If the saute zeal in the good work exist here that is exhibited in the \Vest, our petition should be subscribed by upwards of 20,000 individual-.. Mr. Bannerman is to be again its. trusted with the petition.--Bardeen Herald.