Sir Francis Burdett and Mr. O'Connell met at the Liverpool
Rail- way-office, on Tuesday last, mid proceeded to London in the same train, though not in the same carriage. We have heard two very dif.. ferent accounts of the meeting. According to the first, which we have from a Conservative, Sir Francis, on perceiving the great Agitator, turned on his heel with marked contempt; according to the other, which we have from a Reformer, he sneaked away, looking quite ashamed of himself ! Which of these versions is the true one, our readers must judge.—Liverpool Sir John Campbell gives a dinner to her Majesty's Charity Com- missioners about the middle of May ; and has intimated to them, that their respective reports are to he printed within six months after their delivery. Mr. M' Queen's, for Lincolnshire, will appear in July. That Commissioner completed his personal investigations in Lincoln- shire in January 1807, with an inquiry into the charity of the Louth Grammar School; in which, under its present system, the purposes of the Royal Founder are not fulfilled, it being doubtless intended as • free school for the poor youth of the parish; and the friends of the people may hope that the representation of this charity made in the report of our talented and very able Commissioner will, in this case, effect a restitution of their rights.—Sianyhrd Mercury.
The accounts from the manufacturing districts in the North are not very favourable. The Leeds Intelligence,. says—.
" The deinaod for woollen goods still continues very limited. The markets on Saturday and Tuesday were as dull as any during the present month. The stock of balk goods is rather increased ; but the present prices of wool tend to check that speculative kind of manufacture, which under other circumstances would produce a much larger supply. The more wealthy clothiers go on ma- nufacturing in order to keep their hands employed, trusting to a speedy improve- ment; but others of more limited means, whose capital is already locked up, have been obliged to cease operations, and some bands have been discharged."
From Bradford, Huddersfield, Dewsbury, and Rochdale, the reports are of the same character. 'There seems to have been a slight revival in the trade of Manchester.
Wheat and other grains are rising, and will, we fear, continue to rise. The crop of last year, we said at the time, was an exceedingly short one; and that of this year promises to be yet shorter. In some in- stances, we hear, the long-continued frosts have so acted on the wheat plants, that it has been found necessary to plough them up. The tur- nips have also suffered severely ; even the proverbially hardy Swedish has been tithed by the piercing winds and sleety showers. The grass grows downward like the tails of the kine that crop it ; and if the spring do not abate of its usual severity, will creep into the earth alto- gether. The old hay, meanwhile, is rapidly disappearing. There is nothing but hunger on the board, and more making ready.—Birtaisyhasa Journal. At a county meeting, called by the Sheriff, and held at Shrewsbury on 'I hut day week it a unanimously resolved to con-suet it railroad from that town to i . than; and steps were ordered to be taken to gittty one of the plans into effect.—Shrewsbury Chronicle.
During the week, public meetings have been held at Monmouth, Chepstow, Shrewsbury, Ludlow, and other towns on the road travelled by the late Bristol and Liverpool mail ; at which con. demnations of its withdrawal, and memorials and remonstrances upon the occasion, were unanimously voted, numerously signed, and ordered to be sent up to the Earl of Lichfield, the Postmaster-General. The inconvenience and injury inflicted on the mercantile classes by this mail being stopped, have been most seriously felt by the petitioners.— Hereford Journal.