5 MAY 1838, Page 9


WAR.OF Plc!, May 4.-6th Reet. or Drag Guards—Lieut. W. Hawkins, from the 80th Reel. of Tout, to be Lieut. vice Stewart, who exchanges ; Staff. Assist..:.torg. IL Catlin.. to be Assist-Swg. vine Warren, promoted in the 7th Light Drags. 6th Rent. of Drags. —Sure. W. Dame, '0. D. from the half.poty of the 7th Light Drags. to be Sorg. vice Callus, decease.!. Beet. of Fuot—Capt. W. Wood, from the Foid, to be Capt. vice T. II. atm retires upon half-pay unattached, receiving the difference. 45:h Foot—Lieut. A. M. Tolloclo, to be Capt. without purchase. vice l'igott, deceased.

G9th Foot —t •a p'. I.. GI m from the bait pay unattached, to he Capt. paying the ddreietme. vice Wood, loppainted to the &Alt Foot. 78th Foot—Lieut. G. Mitchell, to he Capt. wittwat purchase, vice lit, ham. deceased ; Ensign S. M. Eoldington to he

Liomt. ei, e Ser„;.•Major D. M'Gregor, to be Ensign. vire Eddillgtolt 80th Fo.ot —Lieut. A. Stewart, hom the Gun Drag. muds, to be Lieut. vice Hawkins, she esehatiges.

Unsttacheol --Lieut. I. C. Campbell, from the 45111 Regt. to be Capt. by purchase, vice Toolluclo, abuse promotion bars nut taken place. Hospital StafT—AssistiSurg. 3. A. Turban', from the 10th Regt. to be Assist: Sum. to the Forces, 'ice Carline, appointed to the 61St Drag. Guards. Garrison.—The Rev. K. %%dila, to be Chaplain to the garrison' of Stirling Castle. vice Smith, removed to Edinburgh Castle—Capt. J. A. Wieburgh, on the haillifivars- attached, to be Furt-Major at St.Jobria, Nswroaadlaad, sic. Palliates, who